☆★★☆ TELEPATIA  ★☆☆★


Did you just heard that?

That psithurism?

What kind of uproar was that 

Without any reason?

Was that the unforgiving wind ?

Or tides far away at the shore

Or was that your thoughts upheaval 

Which felt like a roar ?

The Painter of this world 

Painted things heavenly as if everything pearled

But what is that awkward herald ?

Did you just felt that ?

   Nothing touches the soul here..

   Be it human, plant or shark...

   While the world will question our worth..

    We'll be glowing in the dark.  ✨

   The birds are returning back in the north 

   The sun setting back in the west 

   You must be tired ya,  have some rest.


      Till then...



