Pickle Time

 All Indians have dozens of pickles at their home:  mixed pickles, lime, chili, gooseberry — the list goes on. 

Yet, no pickle is as loved as Mango.

 It all begins with raw mangoes at the peak of the season i.e. April , May.

Opening a jar of pickles is universally euphoric. 

The aromas of the spices lures us all.

 Traditionally, Indian meals contain a piece of a pickle with each bite of food. 

It complete the plate.

Some people prefer mixing in some pickle (especially the oil) with plain rice. Whichever way you eat your pickles, the joy is in mixing the tangy and spicy flavors with whatever you're eating.

We often want something sharp and spicy to complement the normal food which indeed satisfy our taste buds. 

Add salt + turmeric powder on Day 1.

Keep it in sunlight. 

Day 3 - mustard oil + Methi+soaf+ black pepper + Sarso + jeera + red chilli powder. 

Leave it in sunlight for many days.
And keep stirring once in a while. 

Try these simple step.  It has many antioxidants.

If any gastrointestinal infection is there then avoid it.
To be consumed in small quantity. 
Best part about Pickle is it just gets better with time.
