Hypernationalism, hyperventing over criticism.


Stand up comedy is a high wire act that uses hyperbole and understatement, satire and irony among other common taken tools from its Arsenal to hold a mirror to society while eliciting laughter. 

Occasionally the mirror may be concave or convex or cracked offering a distorted picture of the subject.

But seldom is there malice aforethought in the act.

Whether the comics is it or not whether he said it abroad before a foreign audience or at home alone in a forest the plurality of India with its myriad contradictions and million mutinies is a reality that won't change.

Hallmark of a strong resilient self-confidence nation is the ability to take criticism even if it is unfounded or unfair.

Surveys have shown that more and more young people depend on comedy circuit as a news source and that is relevant and sceptical in its approach this does not get gel well with the current mood in many countries including India.

Astonishing Descent into thin skin tetchiness comes amid an upsurge of nativism that relies on flaky ideas of patriotism and nationalism built on grievances and resentment.

In this narrative anyone whether it is a historian or scientist or comedian who questions ourselves comforting construct of India is Anti National or out to destroy the country's image this does not sound like a poised self-assured Nation.

To a degree one can understand the neurosis. Centuries of invasion, slavery, operation and colonialism not to forget internecine war have left scares that are seared into a collective memory, the sense of victimhood runs deep in walking past Glory has become an escape channel to ignore the present rot handed down by successive government.

But what if the nativist construct of India's history is itself wrong or incomplete hyper nationalism with its dogmatic view of history limited in its length and latitude could do well.

  Imagine a DNA Sequencing test a few years hands that shows that the chest thumping Nationalist gaslighting us on the idea of India actually descendants of pastoralists from Central Asia or agriculturalist from Iran?

The earliest super versus they are locking up for Anti National activity can trace their lineage to most native most indigenous of all Indians who then is a former or the invader?

History is short and dodgy typically written by victors migration is longer and can be established by science.

India is among the most diverse country on the planet its population and people derive not from a few invasions and conquests but by migration and intermingling that predates religion and stretches across millennia.

At the root of the current tension is the idea of fun India that is only a few decades a few centuries old it is much older.

Mature democracy is should be afraid of introspection and criticism they should even be welcomed after all the greatness or otherwise of India is not diminished or enhanced by stand up comic sit down dharnas.

Building calls for an open mind and a large heart India like America and Virtually any Nation on Earth is an unfinished process a work in progress criticism and relentless self examination are what will make it better.
