The Thought Process.

Ever since we were born we've been taught to excel which subconsciously infused the feeling that we are not complete. 

That there is a race, a thirst,  if we get this or that we would somehow complete us.

We imagine that there is something called 'perfection'.

Thus we think somehow, somewhere, someone is more successful, more happy, more healthy, more beautiful...more and more.....list goes on.

But do we know that we already are complete ever since we were born. 

How are we going to judge a one year old child? 

Isn't the child complete at that very moment? 

The truth is...


Any achievement be it getting a job, good marks, losing weight, fulfilling societal expectations etc not going to complete us.

Our achievements complement us.

They are add ons and not who we are.

Like water is complete .... nothing is missing in it .. we can add something to get a new flavor but what is ultimate or so to say soul of that drink is water.

Or when we say ABC is smart, ABC is highly successful etc etc.... what remains constant is ABC... rest all are add-ons adjectives. 

The moment we realise that we are complete, we no more do anything which is futile.

We realise everyone else is enough too.

No materialist thing will crave you to the extent that you go crazy to get it fulfilled. 

We will practice more of self love and compassion. 

The one affirmation we can give to ourselves daily is 'My soul is complete'.

Now, that does not mean we should not have goals or dreams, that we won't achieve anything in our life.

We will.

To progress is human nature. 

Our passion will automatically drive us towards itself.


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