Shrinkage of Personality

                 Shrinkage of Personality

When the pollen met the stigma...

Together, they formed the bud...

The bud was full of life, loved and pampered...

The bud felt it was all heaven here...

As all it ever received was love and care...

Year passed... and the bud transformed itself into the flower..

With only giggles and magical showers...

Then came the flies, the bees, the insects...

To suck the nectar...

To get what all the flower could offer...

The flower loved it all...

As it overflowed anyways...

But the takers never knew the limit...

Overtime they came...they took it all...

Leaving nothing for the flower to look tall...

Now the flower passes whole day...

Staring to itself...

Questioning self worth...

The thought that I have nothing to offer to this world...

Makes the flower awful...

The depressed flower asks for help...

From the same takers...

And the world complains...

 How weak was the flower...

                                                ~ Priya 🌻


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