The MOON is the new SUN.

                    The Moon is the new Sun

Came from school, completed home work, had lunch, all in hurry just to go out and play.
Play what?
Whatever.... just needed someone to have fun, to laugh, to enjoy, to share things with.

Who was that someone?

Since childhood who so ever I met I saw that person as someone who will stay with me forever.
I would literally see that person by my side till the end of my life.

Growing up, I saw the transient nature of people, things and places.
And I don't know why it affected me so much.

Watching people getting distant like they never were truly attached was, is and perhaps never will be 'normal' for me.

Connections are tricky.
Sometimes we feel connected to some random stranger perhaps because of same sort of upbringing or background or for no reason at all.

When I experienced the changing nature of things for the first time it dwelled my mind so much that I started living in a self made dark cocoon.

For me the Moon became the new Sun as dark was the day all the time.
As I would try to take out heat from the sparkling stars.
The heat of the sun was unbearable.
Change is the only constant after all and I have learnt this lesson the harder way.

So now instead of judging someone I judge myself but never question my self worth.

It is so beautiful that while I self introspect myself there are so many crests and troughs that I end up playing to and fro inside myself.

The more I dig deeper the more I find deeply embedded diamonds inside me and thus there is no time left to think about anyone, anything else.

The fact that I exist in this big milky way galaxy, that I have a family which is my air that I breathe, which is my space, my escape, my world beyond milky way.

So when that dark cocoon thought Moon is the new Sun the neurons started getting charged up all by themselves stating that it don't require any external source be it the Sun or the Moon.

I am the celestial energy and this time perhaps I choose earth just to experience every possible emotion that a human can feel so whenever I encounter any sort of intense emotion I feel grateful that I have the capacity to experience it no matter how hard it is as it shows that I exist and my graph shows lub, dub.

To be continued....



  1. Beautiful, Beautiful, beautiful.
    Words, expression, everything.
    Loved it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Awesome 👍👍👍👍👍👍

  3. Hey your writing style is unique and beautiful.
    Keep writing more beautiful.


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