Hey there! YOU ARE LUCKY!

                   Look At The Bigger Picture

Practising mindfulness helps you see the bigger picture. For example, you just placed a freshly cleaned rug on the floor and the dog marches in with dirty paws because it just rained outside and you left the door open. The clean rug is now ruined. It's easy to focus in on this minor inconvenience, you worked to clean the rug and now it's dirty. However, what you forget is that you are lucky to have a rug, or a house with garden, or that there was a point in time when you wished to have a dog. All of these result in having mud on the rug.

See how you can apply this way of thinking to the small inconveniences in your life.

Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.

You are the Creative power

1. The Universe always responds: "Ask and it will be given", it is a phrase that appears in many sacred texts. The first thing you should know is that the Universe always responds to your requests. Forever. Without fail. What's more, even before you ask for the Universe, it must have responded, since it reacts back to you according to the vibration in which you find yourself. Do not you think that's the way it is? Well, there you can find the reason why you feel that you are not receiving answers.

2. The Universe always awaits your requests: The second thing you should know is that the Universe is waiting for your requests. And it will mobilize all its power to create what you ask for. Which means that you have all the power of the Universe behind you. You are the creative power par excellence, and therefore, the Creator of your own life.

3. Know how to ask: Now this is the central part. It's very curious, but when I managed to understand what it was to know how to ask, it seemed so simple that I could not help but smile and feel relief. And I'm hoping to draw a smile on your face because I know that as soon as you start practicing it, you'll notice how it will start to change your life. The secret of how to ask is, simply, to assume with intention that what you have just asked for has already been fulfilled.

At first, this may seem contradictory to you and you will not find any sense in it. Well, if you do not understand, it's not that important. Just dedicate yourself to play, like when you were a child. Yes, to play! Simply, play to pretend, in vibration of joy and attitude, that what you asked for is yours.

What you must remember is that the reason why you may have the perception that you do not receive what you ask for, is not because the law of attraction does not work, but that you may be creating a contradiction in your life. You can ask for a better job, but hating the current one; You can ask for more money but you do not appreciate what you have at this moment, and so with many examples of your daily life.

As you will soon learn, your true power is found in the certainty that is born from you. Do not worry about how it will happen. Trust and know that whatever you ask is yours. Ask for what you want and give thanks to the Universe for what you are trying to manifest. It is that blind faith and without doubts that what you want is what will come, what will make a difference in your life.

In a Universe of infinite abundance there is nothing you can ask that you do not receive. So if you play, such as when a child, to which you already received what you ask for, you are aligning yourself with the universal energy that makes it possible for every request to be fulfilled. Or is it that you believe that the Universe does not have enough resources to fulfill your request?

"Your desires are orders," exclaims the Universe. Just dare to think big, ask and feel that vibration. The option is always yours.


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